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Notes from author
A level 80 skill/arcane build relying on mobility and versatility.
For items be sure to have:
-Augur of Ebrietas
-Beast Roar
-Executioner's Gloves
If you hate fun and want to go full r1 mode be sure to have the following:
-Beast Blood Pellet
-Lead Elixir
Runes are pretty self-explanatory although they can be changed to preference. Clawmark is really underrated, if you have this rune and you get a parry it's almost impossible for the opponent to survive a visceral attack.
This build along with some decent gems works like a charm.
I would recommend getting the Cursed Tempering Damp Blood Gem ones from Phtumeru Ihyll root, these are something like: Physical ATK up 9.8% * Secondary: ADD Arcane ATK+67,5-72. (rating 19)
or alternatively the straight % up arcane ones like: Arcane ATK up 27.2%
If you hate farming/doing chalice dungeons like me just get the 18.2% ones from the Winter Lanterns in Nightmare of Menis(these are more then decent imo)