Viewing build 'PVE lv100 V.ATK' by Anonymous
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • Visceral Attacks grant Quicksilver Bullets (+3) - Oedon Writhe (3)
  • Visceral Attacks grant Quicksilver Bullets (+2) - Oedon Writhe (2)
  • V. ATKs restore 300 HP - Blood Rapture (3)
  • Stamina recovery speed increased - Hunter

Damage Reduction

0 600 + 5 0
0 0
0 160 + 3 0
0 0
180 + 97 0 100 + 71
0 0
160 + 64 0 0
0 80 + 28
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

Cannon? Check. Big Sword? Check. Tools? Check. V.ATKs are what you need: 1.Create blood bullets 2.Shoot at the big bad with the buffed cannon or use your favourite tool 3.Hit hard, again and again and again