Viewing build '125 Strengthcane' by blindcricket
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • {{effect}}

Damage Reduction

{{build.lh1.Physical}} + {{build.lh1.physicalBns}} {{build.lh1.Blood}} + {{build.lh1.BloodBns}} {{build.lh1.Arcane}} + {{build.lh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh1.Fire}} + {{build.lh1.FireBns}} {{build.lh1.Bolt}} + {{build.lh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.lh2.Physical}} + {{build.lh2.physicalBns}} {{build.lh2.Blood}} + {{build.lh2.BloodBns}} {{build.lh2.Arcane}} + {{build.lh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh2.Fire}} + {{build.lh2.FireBns}} {{build.lh2.Bolt}} + {{build.lh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh1.Physical}} + {{build.rh1.physicalBns}} {{build.rh1.Blood}} + {{build.rh1.BloodBns}} {{build.rh1.Arcane}} + {{build.rh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh1.Fire}} + {{build.rh1.FireBns}} {{build.rh1.Bolt}} + {{build.rh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh2.Physical}} + {{build.rh2.physicalBns}} {{build.rh2.Blood}} + {{build.rh2.BloodBns}} {{build.rh2.Arcane}} + {{build.rh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh2.Fire}} + {{build.rh2.FireBns}} {{build.rh2.Bolt}} + {{build.rh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

125 Pvp focused build. Essentially, a Strength/Arcane hybrid build focused around the Amygdalan Arm. Just enough ARC to make the arcane damage on the Amy Arm respectable. At 22 arcane, a +10 amy arm gets 100AR in arcane, but I went to 25 to be able to use the Tiny Tonitrus. With the right blood gems you could put out some awesome phy/arc damage with the Amy arm. Other great matches for this build are Logarius' Wheel, Tonitrus, and the Boom Hammer. Also, the Holy Moonlight Sword is a good option, but isn't as good with this stat spread. You get the benefit of being able to have a strength build, and have access to most of the hunter tools (no cursed brew or a call beyond) granted they won't get much in scaling, but still it's a fun way to mix things up, especially since firearms aren't too viable outside of interrupts.