Viewing build '*unzips bloodletter*' by *unzips chikage*
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • Blood Vial Maximum +5 - Communion (5)
  • Quicksilver Bullet Max +5 - Formless Oedon (3)
  • Boosts Max Stamina 20% - Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • +1 Health Regen near death - Corruption

Damage Reduction

0 160 + 115 0
0 0
25 0 0
0 0
180 + 102 180 + 168 0
0 0
25 0 0
0 0
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

There are two setups for the bloodletter: (27.2% Physical Attack Up) X3 Or (31.5% Blood Attack Up) X3 The first option gives you more damage in both forms, as well as giving you really great Visceral damage. It'll also be a lot easier to get the 27.2s. Blood Attack is counted as Physical Attack, and recieves the same percentage boost from the Gems, making both forms viable. The Second Option is purely for Bloodmode. 31.5% Blood Attack Up gems usually only come in Circular Form, of which the Bloodletter doesn't have such a Slot. However, there's a small chance to get an Out of Shape(OoS for short) drop. That Circular Gem has a chance to drop as a Radial, Waning, or Triangle. Get three of them, and the Bloodmode of the Blood Letter will do insane amounts of damage at 50 Bloodtinge. However, farming for them will probably drive you up a wall. you can just go for the 27.2% Physical Up Gems, and farm for an OoS 31.5% every now and then. It's like the lotto, you'll probably lose, but honestly, you'll never really know.