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Build Succesfully Updated!
Notes from author
99 vitality and +15% HP gives you a 2015 HP total. When coupled with the sheer physical defense that you get from levels and armor you are basically unkillable.
99 endurance and +20% Stamina grants you a 192 Stamina total allowing you to swing for days and wreck those scrubs.
99 strength and skill gives massive DPS and allows you to use any weapon effectively and just kill everything/everyone. The max skill and clawmark rune also allow you to basically one-shot those noobs unfortunate enough to get interrupted.
99 bloodtinge to wreck face with Chikage and Evelyne of course.
And 99 arcane because why not? Just spam some hunter tools and dance all over your scrubby opponents.
This build is 100% my original idea, don't listen to those other scrubs claiming this build to be their own! They just don't know.