Viewing build '150 Dumb Meta' by Emnay
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • Boosts Max Stamina 20% - Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • Boosts max HP +15% - Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • Strengthens V. ATKs 30% - Clawmark (3)
  • Stamina recovery speed increased - Hunter

Damage Reduction

0 160 + 6 0
0 0
0 0 0
0 0
150 + 128 150 + 3 0
0 0
170 + 94 0 0
0 0
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

This is a dumb 150 build for the dumb 150 meta. This is what I would probably make if I were to go to 150. I could probably put some of the points into better stats but I was lazy to min/max. I might try to make a better version later.