Viewing build 'Untitled' by Anonymous
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • {{effect}}

Damage Reduction

{{build.lh1.Physical}} + {{build.lh1.physicalBns}} {{build.lh1.Blood}} + {{build.lh1.BloodBns}} {{build.lh1.Arcane}} + {{build.lh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh1.Fire}} + {{build.lh1.FireBns}} {{build.lh1.Bolt}} + {{build.lh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.lh2.Physical}} + {{build.lh2.physicalBns}} {{build.lh2.Blood}} + {{build.lh2.BloodBns}} {{build.lh2.Arcane}} + {{build.lh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh2.Fire}} + {{build.lh2.FireBns}} {{build.lh2.Bolt}} + {{build.lh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh1.Physical}} + {{build.rh1.physicalBns}} {{build.rh1.Blood}} + {{build.rh1.BloodBns}} {{build.rh1.Arcane}} + {{build.rh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh1.Fire}} + {{build.rh1.FireBns}} {{build.rh1.Bolt}} + {{build.rh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh2.Physical}} + {{build.rh2.physicalBns}} {{build.rh2.Blood}} + {{build.rh2.BloodBns}} {{build.rh2.Arcane}} + {{build.rh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh2.Fire}} + {{build.rh2.FireBns}} {{build.rh2.Bolt}} + {{build.rh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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{{ error }}
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Notes from author

Designed to gauge HP and blood damage, so you can do ~350ish an Evelyn shot on average and have almost 800 AR with tricked Chikage. And since blood defense doesn't scale with level, your opponents can just hold that damage. 50 SKL so Clawmark is not necessary. I hope you like it, it's based on Praise the Sun's balanced meta. ;)