Viewing build 'Quince the Beast FINAL ADAPTION' by TheCaptain
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • {{effect}}

Damage Reduction

{{build.lh1.Physical}} + {{build.lh1.physicalBns}} {{build.lh1.Blood}} + {{build.lh1.BloodBns}} {{build.lh1.Arcane}} + {{build.lh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh1.Fire}} + {{build.lh1.FireBns}} {{build.lh1.Bolt}} + {{build.lh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.lh2.Physical}} + {{build.lh2.physicalBns}} {{build.lh2.Blood}} + {{build.lh2.BloodBns}} {{build.lh2.Arcane}} + {{build.lh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh2.Fire}} + {{build.lh2.FireBns}} {{build.lh2.Bolt}} + {{build.lh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh1.Physical}} + {{build.rh1.physicalBns}} {{build.rh1.Blood}} + {{build.rh1.BloodBns}} {{build.rh1.Arcane}} + {{build.rh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh1.Fire}} + {{build.rh1.FireBns}} {{build.rh1.Bolt}} + {{build.rh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh2.Physical}} + {{build.rh2.physicalBns}} {{build.rh2.Blood}} + {{build.rh2.BloodBns}} {{build.rh2.Arcane}} + {{build.rh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh2.Fire}} + {{build.rh2.FireBns}} {{build.rh2.Bolt}} + {{build.rh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

What it utilizes is beast, bloodtinge and strength abilities. It is, essentially, the beast form we all wanted but never got. The strength is so the claws can get in some damage, the stakedriver sticks with the close combat theme of some form of claw, the Evelyn helps with getting in some devastating shots + a visceral and the canon is the 'beasts' OP move that will hurt a lot, but should only be employed as a last resort, you want most of those QSB (Quick Silver Bullets) for the arcane items and the Evelyn and the really high HP and radiance rune is so the sacrifice aspect when acquiring for bullets is not as bad. These are just the runes I use, so feel free to spice things up. The armour I use is to make myself look as beastly as possibly, but feel free to experiment with the armour sets, but try to include some Ashen hunter parts to boost that beasthood. The bloodtinge stat can be swapped with Arcane, if you want your beast to be more celestial, but you should consider using the ludwig or blunderbuss if you make this change, as the evelyn will not deal enough damage with just 15 Bloodtinge... Items that should be put to use are the beast roar, blue elixir, bone marrow ash and the Old hunters bone. And remember to roar! Due to many people going for 150 builds, me and my friends have decided to make our builds level 125-130. However, with the exception of the builds that are not so good in pvp. I chose Quince to be level 141 so he can get off more damage with the beast claws. As you can see, the damage is STILL poor. All I want is B scaling in strength! Why can't I have it!? OTL