Viewing build 'Hole Puncher' by The Mannequin
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • {{effect}}

Damage Reduction

{{build.lh1.Physical}} + {{build.lh1.physicalBns}} {{build.lh1.Blood}} + {{build.lh1.BloodBns}} {{build.lh1.Arcane}} + {{build.lh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh1.Fire}} + {{build.lh1.FireBns}} {{build.lh1.Bolt}} + {{build.lh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.lh2.Physical}} + {{build.lh2.physicalBns}} {{build.lh2.Blood}} + {{build.lh2.BloodBns}} {{build.lh2.Arcane}} + {{build.lh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.lh2.Fire}} + {{build.lh2.FireBns}} {{build.lh2.Bolt}} + {{build.lh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.lh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.lh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.lh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.lh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh1.Physical}} + {{build.rh1.physicalBns}} {{build.rh1.Blood}} + {{build.rh1.BloodBns}} {{build.rh1.Arcane}} + {{build.rh1.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh1.Fire}} + {{build.rh1.FireBns}} {{build.rh1.Bolt}} + {{build.rh1.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh1.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh1.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh1.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh1.arcaneReq}} Arcane
{{build.rh2.Physical}} + {{build.rh2.physicalBns}} {{build.rh2.Blood}} + {{build.rh2.BloodBns}} {{build.rh2.Arcane}} + {{build.rh2.ArcaneBns}}
{{build.rh2.Fire}} + {{build.rh2.FireBns}} {{build.rh2.Bolt}} + {{build.rh2.BoltBns}}
Insufficent stats! You need {{build.rh2.strReq}} Str, {{build.rh2.skillReq}} Skill, {{build.rh2.bloodReq}} Bloodtinge, {{build.rh2.arcaneReq}} Arcane
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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{{ error }}
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Notes from author

Punch three holes in person. PUT THEM IN BINDER FULL OF FAILURES. (Real talk the off hand Cannon is optional. You can also get rid of the saw cleaver as well if you want but it's there incase you ever get in a situation where your stake driver is too slow to keep up with an opponent or you want to throw them off. Could also use the saw spear if that moveset is more to your liking. Bolt paper is recommended because it's stylish as hell. Also works well in pve. Good hunting!) -The Mannequin