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Notes from author
I feel the outfit is reminiscent of the movie priest but i feel this is a well rounded build focused on bloodtinge at prime pvp level with bloodgems your evelyn does easy 300-400 damage its a very efficient many cannon at 1 bullet a shot bone marrow ash cranks it up to 600-800 not to mention the chikage visceral attack does 1500 a very powerful build with the right gem stones that is plus if you fit the holy blade with strong enough gems itll do 400 easy and you pick it up fairly early this is my favorite build its op maybe even a little to op but you can use smaller arcane items like the chior bell and the hunter bone even the empty phatasm shell to buff out your holy blade all around my favorite build try it for yourself play around with it feel the quick fast movements of the weapons its a lot of fun and the runes are of course your preference i just enjoy staying replinished with visceral attacks