Viewing build 'pure bld++ 150 lvl meta' by Anonymous
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • Boosts max HP +5% - Clockwise Metamorphosis (1)
  • Boosts max HP +10% - Clockwise Metamorphosis (2)
  • Boosts max HP +15% - Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • Increases HP recovered by blood vials - Radiance

Damage Reduction

0 140 + 175 0
0 0
0 200 + 148 0
0 0
184 + 27 184 + 188 0
0 0
180 + 30 180 + 184 0
0 0
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

also this tactic: reiterpallasch shooting + marrow ashed repeating pistol/normal evelyn spam. basically that's a way to play the game without using/needing stamina or just to parry someone with spamming and maybe simon's bowblade arrow spam may be useful too, but it wastes stamina. for attire try something more fashionable instead of my set which is focused on stats alone instead of looks for runes based on defense instead of hp, try Great Lake (3), Great Lake (2), and Lake (3) also, wouldn't a one shot chikage make pvp boring? well, 99 bloodtinge would obviously make one shots more likely, but I went for variety in playstyle instead of making this build a glasscannon chikage build.