Viewing build 'Peeve's Ludwig 2.0' by Peeve Peeverson
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Caryll Rune Effects
  • Boosts max HP +15% - Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • Boosts Max Stamina 20% - Anti-Clockwise Metamorphosis (3)
  • Increases Physical DEF +7% - Lake (3)
  • Stamina recovery speed increased - Hunter

Damage Reduction

0 200 + 6 0
0 0
25 0 0
0 0
200 + 204 0 0
0 0
25 0 0
0 0
Rune #1
Rune #2
Rune #3
Oath Rune

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Notes from author

Why 45 Skill? 45/25 is the same as going 35/35, but gives more Visceral damage because of the Skill increase. Ludwig's scales evenly across both Skill/Str, so why not get more Visceral in the process. Rune #3 will probably end up as another Clockwise Meta, possibly another Anti-Clock if i feel i need it. Tempted to leave it as Lake or some other defensive rune, if i feel it's actually viable. I feel the Repeating Pistol shines at base stats, as it beats out a base stat Evelyn for virtually no Bloodtinge investment. I save 10 stat points to put elsewhere, and still get good damage. I, personally, don't use more than 10 shots per fight anyway, so double bullet cost doesn't bother me.