Viewing build 'Royal Guard' by Gilgear
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Souls to next Level
Total Soul Cost

Soul Memory (min: Total Soul Cost)

Spells, Miracles, Pyromancies
Using 68.35%

Left Hand
Right Hand
Req: (26/15/0/0)
Req: (0/0/0/0)
Req: (0/0/0/0)
Req: (0/0/0/0)
Req: (0/0/0/0)
Req: (0/0/0/0)

Active Effects
  • Increases HP by 7.5% (Third Dragon Ring)
  • Increases stamina by 12.5% (Third Dragon Ring)
  • Increases equip load by 12.5% (Third Dragon Ring)
  • Appear as a human while in phantom form (Ring of the Living)
  • Increases physical damage with all weapons by 50 (Ring of Blades)
  • Increases maximum equipment load by 20% (Royal Soldier's Ring)
  • Increases Vitality by 1 (Velstadt's Armor)
  • Increases Endurance by 1 (Velstadt's Armor)

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Notes from author