Viewing build 'Dank Memes' by Anonymous
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RH1 (152)
LH1 (137)
Active Effects
  • Boosts sorcery damage by 12% (Young Dragon Ring)
  • Boosts sorcery damage by 20% (Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring)
  • Shortens spell casting time (Sage Ring)
  • Boosts attack by 10% when HP is full (Lloyd's Sword Ring)
  • Decreases magic absorption by 30% (Crown of Dusk)

Defense/ Absorption

Resistances/ Armor

Slots: 5/6

Notes from Author

Max Damage Sorcerer- 30% weight exactly w/ Dusk Crown & Positive Magic Absorption. 40 ATN actually gives 6 slots- Great Deep Soul does NOT take up 2 slots. Feel free to put anything you want in the 6th slot depending on circumstance- anything from Hidden Body to White Dragon Breath to Farron Dart. Or Replace Deep Soul and the 6th slot w/ Soul Stream for max damage and sniping. Lloyd's Sword Ring also replaceable with most rings without going over 30%. FAP is good, let's you get off an extra Farron Flashsword. Farron Flashsword stunlock is bae in PvP. No need for a melee weapon. Great Deep Soul hits for less than Great Soul Arrow for a filler, so replace it with that for PvE, but Great Deep Soul has some really decent tracking for catching people off-guard in PvP.