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Viewing build 'Smough Fister 1.0' by Anonymous
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Warriors of Sunlight
Way of Blue
Rosaria's Fingers
Mound Makers
Watchdogs of Farron
Aldrich Faithful
Blades of the Darkmoon
Spears of the Church
Warriors of Sunlight
Total Souls
Required Souls
SL Min
SL Max
Only useable weapons
Alva Helm
Archdeacon White Crown
Aristocrat's Mask
Assassin Hood
Billed Mask
Black Hand Hat
Black Iron Helm
Black Knight Helm
Black Witch Hat
Black Witch Veil
Blindfold Mask
Brass Helm
Brigand Hood
Catarina Helm
Cathedral Knight Helm
Chain Helm
Cleric Hat
Conjurator Hood
Court Sorcerer Hood
Creighton's Steel Mask
Crown of Dusk
Dancer's Crown
Dark Mask
Desert Pyromancer Hood
Dragonslayer Helm
Drakeblood Helm
Eastern Helm
Elite Knight Helm
Evangelist Hat
Executioner Helm
Exile Mask
Fallen Knight Helm
Faraam Helm
Fire Witch Helm
Firelink Helm
Follower Helm
Golden Crown
Grave Warden Hood
Gundyr's Helm
Havel's Helm
Helm Of Favor
Helm Of Thorns
Herald Helm
Hood Of Prayer
Iron Dragonslayer Helm
Iron Helm
Karla's Pointed Hat
Knight Helm
Lapp's Helm
Lorian's Helm
Lothric Knight Helm
Lucatiel's Mask
Maiden Hood
Millwood Knight Helm
Morne's Helm
Nameless Knight Helm
Northern Helm
Old Sage's Blindfold
Old Sorcerer Hat
Ordained Hood
Outrider Knight Helm
Painting Guardian Hood
Pharis's Hat
Pontiff Knight Crown
Pyromancer Crown
Ragged Mask
Ringed Knight Hood
Ruin Helm
Sage's Big Hat
Sellsword Helm
Shadow Mask
Shira's Crown
Silver Knight Helm
Silver Mask
Slave Knight Hood
Smough's Helm
Sneering Mask
Sorcerer Hood
Standard Helm
Steel Soldier Helm
Sunless Veil
Sunset Helm
Symbol of Avarice
Thief Mask
Thrall Hood
Undead Legion Helm
Vilhelm's Helm
White Preacher Head
Winged Knight Helm
Wolf Knight Helm
Wolnir's Crown
Worker Hat
Xanthous Crown
Smough's Helm
Alva Armor
Antiquated Dress
Antiquated Plain Garb
Archdeacon Holy Garb
Armor of the Sun
Armor of Thorns
Assassin Armor
Black Dress
Black Hand Armor
Black Iron Armor
Black Knight Armor
Black Leather Armor
Black Witch Garb
Brass Armor
Brigand Armor
Catarina Armor
Cathedral Knight Armor
Chain Armor
Clandestine Coat
Cleric Blue Robe
Conjurator Robe
Cornyx's Garb
Court Sorcerer Robe
Dancer's Armor
Dark Armor
Deacon Robe
Desert Pyromancer Garb
Deserter Armor
Dragonscale Armor
Dragonslayer Armor
Drakeblood Armor
Drang Armor
Eastern Armor
Elite Knight Armor
Embraced Armor of Favor
Evangelist Robe
Executioner Armor
Exile Armor
Fallen Knight Armor
Faraam Armor
Fire Keeper Robe
Fire Witch Armor
Firelink Armor
Follower Armor
Grave Warden Robe
Gundyr's Armor
Harald Legion Armor
Hard Leather Armor
Havel's Armor
Herald Armor
Iron Dragonslayer Armor
Jailer Robe
Karla's Coat
Knight Armor
Lapp's Armor
Leather Armor
Leonhard's Garb
Lorian's Armor
Lothric Knight Armor
Maiden Robe
Master's Attire
Millwood Knight Armor
Mirrah Chain Mail
Mirrah Vest
Morne's Armor
Nameless Knight Armor
Northern Armor
Old Sorcerer Coat
Ordained Dress
Outrider Knight Armor
Painting Guardian Gown
Pale Shade Robe
Pontiff Knight Armor
Pyromancer Garb
Ringed Knight Armor
Robe Of Prayer
Ruin Armor
Scholar's Robe
Sellsword Armor
Shadow Garb
Shira's Armor
Silver Knight Armor
Slave Knight Armor
Smough's Armor
Sorcerer Robe
Sunless Armor
Sunset Armor
Undead Legion Armor
Vilhelm's Armor
Winged Knight Armor
Wolf Knight Armor
Worker Garb
Xanthous Overcoat
Smough's Armor
Alva Gauntlets
Antiquated Gloves
Assassin Gloves
Black Gauntlets
Black Iron Gauntlets
Black Knight Gauntlets
Black Leather Gloves
Black Witch Wrappings
Brass Gauntlets
Brigand Gauntlets
Catarina Gauntlets
Cathedral Knight Gauntlets
Cleric Gloves
Conjurator Manchettes
Cornyx's Wrap
Court Sorcerer Gloves
Dancer's Gauntlets
Dark Gauntlets
Desert Pyromancer Gloves
Dragonslayer Gauntlets
Drakeblood Gauntlets
Drang Gauntlets
Eastern Gauntlets
Elite Knight Gauntlets
Evangelist Gloves
Executioner Gauntlets
Exile Gauntlets
Fallen Knight Gauntlets
Faraam Gauntlets
Fire Keeper Gloves
Fire Witch Gauntlets
Firelink Gauntlets
Follower Gloves
Gauntlets of Favor
Gauntlets of Thorns
Golden Bracelets
Grave Warden Wrap
Gundyr's Gauntlets
Harald Legion Gauntlets
Hard Leather Gauntlets
Havel's Gauntlets
Herald Gloves
Iron Bracelets
Iron Dragonslayer Gauntlets
Jailer Gloves
Karla's Gloves
Knight Gauntlets
Lapp's Gauntlets
Leather Gauntlets
Leather Gloves
Leonhard's Gauntlets
Lorian's Gauntlets
Lothric Knight Gauntlets
Maiden Gloves
Master's Gloves
Millwood Knight Gauntlets
Mirrah Chain Gloves
Mirrah Gloves
Morne's Gauntlets
Nameless Knight Gauntlets
Northern Gloves
Old Sorcerer Gauntlets
Outrider Knight Gauntlets
Painting Guardian Gloves
Pale Shade Gloves
Pontiff Knight Gauntlets
Pyromancer Wrap
Ringed Knight Gauntlets
Ruin Gauntlets
Sellsword Gauntlets
Shadow Gauntlets
Shira's Gloves
Silver Knight Gauntlets
Slave Knight Gauntlets
Smough's Gauntlets
Sorcerer Gloves
Sunless Gauntlets
Sunset Gauntlets
Undead Legion Gauntlet
Vilhelm's Gauntlets
Violet Wrappings
Winged Knight Gauntlets
Wolf Knight Gauntlets
Worker Gloves
Xanthous Gloves
Smough's Gauntlets
Alva Leggings
Antiquated Skirt
Archdeacon Skirt
Assassin Trousers
Black Iron Leggings
Black Knight Leggings
Black Leather Boots
Black Leggings
Black Witch Trousers
Brass Leggings
Brigand Trousers
Catarina Leggings
Cathedral Knight Leggings
Chain Leggings
Cleric Trousers
Conjurator Boots
Cornyx's Skirt
Court Sorcerer Trousers
Dancer's Leggings
Dark Leggings
Deacon Skirt
Desert Pyromancer Skirt
Deserter Trousers
Dragonscale Waistcloth
Dragonslayer Leggings
Drakeblood Leggings
Drang Shoes
Eastern Leggings
Elite Knight Leggings
Evangelist Trousers
Executioner Leggings
Exile Leggings
Fallen Knight Trousers
Faraam Boots
Fire Keeper Skirt
Fire Witch Leggings
Firelink Leggings
Follower Boots
Grave Warden Skirt
Gundyr's Leggings
Harald Legion Leggings
Hard Leather Boots
Havel's Leggings
Herald Trousers
Iron Dragonslayer Leggings
Iron Leggings
Jailer Trousers
Karla's Trousers
Knight Leggings
Lapp's Leggings
Leather Boots
Leggings of Favor
Leggings of Thorns
Leonhard's Trousers
Loincloth (TRC)
Lorian's Leggings
Lothric Knight Leggings
Maiden Skirt
Millwood Knight Leggings
Mirrah Chain Leggings
Mirrah Trousers
Morne's Leggings
Nameless Knight Leggings
Northern Trousers
Old Sorcerer Boots
Ordained Trousers
Outrider Knight Leggings
Painting Guardian Waistcloth
Pale Shade Trousers
Pontiff Knight Leggings
Pyromancer Trousers
Ringed Knight Leggings
Ruin Leggings
Sellsword Trousers
Shadow Leggings
Shira's Trousers
Silver Knight Leggings
Skirt Of Prayer
Slave Knight Leggings
Smough's Leggings
Sorcerer Trousers
Sunless Leggings
Sunset Leggings
Undead Legion Leggings
Vilhelm's Leggings
Winged Knight Leggings
Wolf Knight Leggings
Worker Trousers
Xanthous Trousers
Smough's Leggings
Ring #1
No Ring
Aldrich's Ruby
Aldrich's Sapphire
Ashen Estus Ring
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Bloodbite Ring
Bloodbite Ring+1
Blue Tearstone Ring
Calamity Ring
Carthus Bloodring
Carthus Milk Ring
Chillbite Ring
Chloranthy Ring
Chloranthy Ring+1
Chloranthy Ring+2
Chloranthy Ring+3
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3
Cursebite Ring
Dark Clutch Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring+1
Dark Stoneplate Ring+2
Darkmoon Ring
Deep Ring
Dragonscale Ring
Dusk Crown Ring
Estus Ring
Farron Ring
Fire Clutch Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring+1
Flame Stoneplate Ring+2
Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring+1
Flynn's Ring
Great Swamp Ring
Havel's Ring
Havel's Ring+1
Havel's Ring+2
Havel's Ring+3
Hawk Ring
Hornet Ring
Horsehoof Ring
Hunter's Ring
Knight Slayer's Ring
Knight's Ring
Leo Ring
Life Ring
Life Ring+1
Life Ring+2
Life Ring+3
Lightning Clutch Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2
Lloyd's Shield Ring
Lloyd's Sword Ring
Magic Clutch Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring+1
Magic Stoneplate Ring+2
Morne's Ring
Obscuring Ring
Poisonbite Ring
Poisonbite Ring+1
Pontiff's Left Eye
Pontiff's Right Eye
Priestess Ring
Red Tearstone Ring
Reversal Ring
Ring of Sacrifice
Ring of the Evil Eye
Ring of the Evil Eye+1
Ring of the Evil Eye+2
Ring of the Evil Eye+3
Ring of the Sun's First Born
Sage Ring
Sage Ring+1
Sage Ring+2
Saint's Ring
Scholar Ring
Silvercat Ring
Skull Ring
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1
Sun Princess Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2
Untrue Dark Ring
Untrue White Ring
Witch's Ring
Wolf Ring
Wolf Ring+1
Wolf Ring+2
Wolf Ring+3
Wood Grain Ring
Wood Grain Ring+1
Wood Grain Ring+2
Young Dragon Ring
Havel's Ring
Ring #2
No Ring
Aldrich's Ruby
Aldrich's Sapphire
Ashen Estus Ring
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Bloodbite Ring
Bloodbite Ring+1
Blue Tearstone Ring
Calamity Ring
Carthus Bloodring
Carthus Milk Ring
Chillbite Ring
Chloranthy Ring
Chloranthy Ring+1
Chloranthy Ring+2
Chloranthy Ring+3
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3
Cursebite Ring
Dark Clutch Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring+1
Dark Stoneplate Ring+2
Darkmoon Ring
Deep Ring
Dragonscale Ring
Dusk Crown Ring
Estus Ring
Farron Ring
Fire Clutch Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring+1
Flame Stoneplate Ring+2
Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring+1
Flynn's Ring
Great Swamp Ring
Hawk Ring
Hornet Ring
Horsehoof Ring
Hunter's Ring
Knight Slayer's Ring
Knight's Ring
Leo Ring
Life Ring
Life Ring+1
Life Ring+2
Life Ring+3
Lightning Clutch Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2
Lloyd's Shield Ring
Lloyd's Sword Ring
Magic Clutch Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring+1
Magic Stoneplate Ring+2
Morne's Ring
Obscuring Ring
Poisonbite Ring
Poisonbite Ring+1
Pontiff's Left Eye
Pontiff's Right Eye
Priestess Ring
Red Tearstone Ring
Reversal Ring
Ring of Favor
Ring of Favor+1
Ring of Favor+2
Ring of Favor+3
Ring of Sacrifice
Ring of the Evil Eye
Ring of the Evil Eye+1
Ring of the Evil Eye+2
Ring of the Evil Eye+3
Ring of the Sun's First Born
Sage Ring
Sage Ring+1
Sage Ring+2
Saint's Ring
Scholar Ring
Silvercat Ring
Skull Ring
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1
Sun Princess Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2
Untrue Dark Ring
Untrue White Ring
Witch's Ring
Wolf Ring
Wolf Ring+1
Wolf Ring+2
Wolf Ring+3
Wood Grain Ring
Wood Grain Ring+1
Wood Grain Ring+2
Young Dragon Ring
Ring of Favor
Ring #3
No Ring
Aldrich's Ruby
Aldrich's Sapphire
Ashen Estus Ring
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Bloodbite Ring
Bloodbite Ring+1
Blue Tearstone Ring
Calamity Ring
Carthus Bloodring
Carthus Milk Ring
Chillbite Ring
Chloranthy Ring
Chloranthy Ring+1
Chloranthy Ring+2
Chloranthy Ring+3
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3
Cursebite Ring
Dark Clutch Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring+1
Dark Stoneplate Ring+2
Darkmoon Ring
Deep Ring
Dragonscale Ring
Dusk Crown Ring
Estus Ring
Farron Ring
Fire Clutch Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring+1
Flame Stoneplate Ring+2
Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring+1
Flynn's Ring
Great Swamp Ring
Hawk Ring
Hornet Ring
Horsehoof Ring
Hunter's Ring
Knight Slayer's Ring
Knight's Ring
Leo Ring
Life Ring
Life Ring+1
Life Ring+2
Life Ring+3
Lightning Clutch Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2
Lloyd's Shield Ring
Lloyd's Sword Ring
Magic Clutch Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring+1
Magic Stoneplate Ring+2
Morne's Ring
Obscuring Ring
Poisonbite Ring
Poisonbite Ring+1
Pontiff's Left Eye
Pontiff's Right Eye
Priestess Ring
Prisoner's Chain
Red Tearstone Ring
Reversal Ring
Ring of Sacrifice
Ring of the Evil Eye
Ring of the Evil Eye+1
Ring of the Evil Eye+2
Ring of the Evil Eye+3
Ring of the Sun's First Born
Sage Ring
Sage Ring+1
Sage Ring+2
Saint's Ring
Scholar Ring
Silvercat Ring
Skull Ring
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1
Sun Princess Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2
Untrue Dark Ring
Untrue White Ring
Witch's Ring
Wolf Ring
Wolf Ring+1
Wolf Ring+2
Wolf Ring+3
Wood Grain Ring
Wood Grain Ring+1
Wood Grain Ring+2
Young Dragon Ring
Prisoner's Chain
Ring #4
No Ring
Aldrich's Ruby
Aldrich's Sapphire
Ashen Estus Ring
Bellowing Dragoncrest Ring
Bloodbite Ring
Bloodbite Ring+1
Blue Tearstone Ring
Calamity Ring
Carthus Bloodring
Carthus Milk Ring
Chillbite Ring
Chloranthy Ring
Chloranthy Ring+1
Chloranthy Ring+2
Chloranthy Ring+3
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Gold Serpent Ring+3
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+1
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+2
Covetous Silver Serpent Ring+3
Cursebite Ring
Dark Clutch Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring
Dark Stoneplate Ring+1
Dark Stoneplate Ring+2
Darkmoon Ring
Deep Ring
Dragonscale Ring
Dusk Crown Ring
Estus Ring
Farron Ring
Fire Clutch Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring
Flame Stoneplate Ring+1
Flame Stoneplate Ring+2
Fleshbite Ring
Fleshbite Ring+1
Flynn's Ring
Great Swamp Ring
Hawk Ring
Hornet Ring
Horsehoof Ring
Hunter's Ring
Knight Slayer's Ring
Knight's Ring
Leo Ring
Life Ring
Life Ring+1
Life Ring+2
Life Ring+3
Lightning Clutch Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+1
Lingering Dragoncrest Ring+2
Lloyd's Shield Ring
Lloyd's Sword Ring
Magic Clutch Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring
Magic Stoneplate Ring+1
Magic Stoneplate Ring+2
Morne's Ring
Obscuring Ring
Poisonbite Ring
Poisonbite Ring+1
Pontiff's Left Eye
Pontiff's Right Eye
Priestess Ring
Red Tearstone Ring
Reversal Ring
Ring of Sacrifice
Ring of Steel Protection
Ring of Steel Protection+1
Ring of Steel Protection+2
Ring of Steel Protection+3
Ring of the Evil Eye
Ring of the Evil Eye+1
Ring of the Evil Eye+2
Ring of the Evil Eye+3
Ring of the Sun's First Born
Sage Ring
Sage Ring+1
Sage Ring+2
Saint's Ring
Scholar Ring
Silvercat Ring
Skull Ring
Slumbering Dragoncrest Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring
Speckled Stoneplate Ring+1
Sun Princess Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+1
Thunder Stoneplate Ring+2
Untrue Dark Ring
Untrue White Ring
Witch's Ring
Wolf Ring
Wolf Ring+1
Wolf Ring+2
Wolf Ring+3
Wood Grain Ring
Wood Grain Ring+1
Wood Grain Ring+2
Young Dragon Ring
Ring of Steel Protection
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Grass Crest Shield
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Bare Fists
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Bare Fists
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Demon's Fist
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Bare Fists
Bare Fists
Ancient Dragon Greatshield
Anri's Straight Sword
Aquamarine Dagger
Archdeacon's Great Staff
Arstor's Spear
Astora Greatsword
Astora Straight Sword
Bandit's Knife
Barbed Straight Sword
Bastard Sword
Battle Axe
Black Blade
Black Bow of Pharis
Black Iron Greatshield
Black Knight Glaive
Black Knight Greataxe
Black Knight Greatsword
Black Knight Shield
Black Knight Sword
Blacksmith Hammer
Blue Wooden Shield
Bonewheel Shield
Brigand Axe
Brigand Twindaggers
Broken Straight Sword
Butcher Knife
Caduceus Round Shield
Caitha's Chime
Canvas Talisman
Carthus Curved Greatsword
Carthus Curved Sword
Carthus Shield
Carthus Shotel
Cathedral Knight Greatshield
Cathedral Knight Greatsword
Chaos Blade
Cleric's Candlestick
Cleric's Sacred Chime
Composite Bow
Corvian Greatknife
Court Sorcerer's Staff
Crescent Axe
Crescent Moon Sword
Crest Shield
Crimson Parma
Crow Quills
Crow Talons
Crucifix of the Mad King
Crystal Chime
Crystal Sage's Rapier
Curse Ward Greatshield
Dancer's Enchanted Swords
Dark Hand
Dark Sword
Darkmoon Longbow
Demon's Fist
Demon's Greataxe
Demon's Scar
Dragon Crest Shield
Dragon Tooth
Dragonhead Greatshield
Dragonhead Shield
Dragonrider Bow
Dragonslayer Greataxe
Dragonslayer Greatbow
Dragonslayer Greatshield
Dragonslayer Spear
Dragonslayer Swordspear
Dragonslayer's Axe
Drakeblood Greatsword
Drang Hammers
Drang Twinspears
Earth Seeker
East-West Shield
Eastern Iron Shield
Elkhorn Round Shield
Ethereal Oak Shield
Executioner's Greatsword
Exile Greatsword
Farron Greatsword
Firelink Greatsword
Follower Javelin
Follower Sabre
Follower Shield
Follower Torch
Four-Pronged Plow
Frayed Blade
Friede's Great Scythe
Fume Ultra Greatsword
Gael's Greatsword
Gargoyle Flame Hammer
Gargoyle Flame Spear
Ghru Rotshield
Giant Door Shield
Golden Falcon Shield
Golden Ritual Spear
Golden Wing Crest Shield
Gotthard Twinswords
Grass Crest Shield
Great Club
Great Corvian Scythe
Great Mace
Great Machete
Great Scythe
Great Wooden Hammer
Greatshield of Glory
Greatsword of Judgement
Gundyr's Halberd
Hand Axe
Handmaid's Dagger
Harald Curved Greatsword
Havel's Greatshield
Hawkwood's Shield
Heavy Crossbow
Heretic's Staff
Heysel Pick
Hollowslayer Greatsword
Immolation Tinder
Irithyll Rapier
Irithyll Straight Sword
Iron Round Shield
Izalith Staff
Kite Shield
Knight Shield
Knight's Crossbow
Large Club
Large Leather Shield
Leather Shield
Ledo's Great Hammer
Light Crossbow
Llewellyn Shield
Lorian's Greatsword
Lothric Knight Greatshield
Lothric Knight Greatsword
Lothric Knight Long Spear
Lothric Knight Shield
Lothric Knight Sword
Lothric War Banner
Lothric's Holy Sword
Mail Breaker
Man Serpent Hatchet
Man-Grub's Staff
Manikin Claws
Mendicant's Staff
Millwood Battle Axe
Millwood Greatbow
Moaning Shield
Moonlight Greatsword
Morion Blade
Morne's Great Hammer
Morning Star
Murky Hand Scythe
Murky Longstaff
Notched Whip
Old King's Great Hammer
Old Wolf Curved Sword
Onikiri and Ubadachi
Onislayer Greatbow
Onyx Blade
Painting Guardian's Curved Sword
Parrying Dagger
Pierce Shield
Plank Shield
Pontiff Knight Curved Sword
Pontiff Knight Great Scythe
Pontiff Knight Shield
Porcine Shield
Preacher's Right Arm
Priest's Chime
Profaned Greatsword
Pyromancer's Parting Flame
Pyromancy Flame
Quakestone Hammer
Red and White Shield
Red Hilted Halberd
Reinforced Club
Repeating Crossbow
Ricard's Rapier
Ringed Knight Paired Greatswords
Ringed Knight Spear
Ringed Knight Straight Sword
Rose of Ariandel
Rotten Ghru Curved Sword
Rotten Ghru Dagger
Rotten Ghru Spear
Round Shield
Sacred Bloom Shield
Sacred Chime of Filianore
Sage's Crystal Staff
Saint Bident
Saint's Talisman
Saint-tree Bellvine
Scholar's Candlestick
Sellsword Twinblades
Shield of Want
Short Bow
Silver Eagle Kite Shield
Silver Knight Shield
Small Leather Shield
Smough's Great Hammer
Sniper Crossbow
Soldering Iron
Sorcerer's Staff
Spider Shield
Spiked Mace
Spiked Shield
Spirit Tree Crest Shield
Splitleaf Greatsword
Spotted Whip
Stone Greatshield
Stone Parma
Storm Curved Sword
Storm Ruler
Storyteller's Staff
Sunless Talisman
Sunlight Shield
Sunlight Straight Sword
Sunlight Talisman
Sunset Shield
Tailbone Short Sword
Tailbone Spear
Target Shield
Thrall Axe
Twin Dragon Greatshield
Twin Princes' Greatsword
Vordt's Great Hammer
Warden Twinblades
Wargod Wooden Shield
Warrior's Round Shield
Washing Pole
White Birch Bow
White Hair Talisman
Winged Knight Halberd
Winged Knight Twinaxes
Winged Spear
Witch Tree Branch
Witch's Locks
Wolf Knight's Greatshield
Wolf Knight's Greatsword
Wolnir's Holy Sword
Wooden Shield
Yhorm's Great Machete
Yhorm's Greatshield
Yorshka's Chime
Yorshka's Spear
Bare Fists
2 Hand
Active Effects
Increases maximum equip load by 15% (Havel's Ring)
Increases max HP by 3% (Ring of Favor)
Increases stamina by 10.85% (Ring of Favor)
Increases equip by 5% (Ring of Favor)
Reduces absorption by 4% (Prisoner's Chain)
Increases Vigor by 5 points (Prisoner's Chain)
Increases Endurance by 5 points (Prisoner's Chain)
Increases Vitality by 5 points (Prisoner's Chain)
Decreases physical damage by 10% (Ring of Steel Protection)
Equip Load
Item Discovery
VS strike
VS slash
VS thrust
No Spell (0)
Acid Surge (1)
Affinity (1)
Atonement (1)
Aural Decoy (1)
Black Fire Orb (1)
Black Flame (1)
Black Serpent (1)
Blessed Weapon (1)
Boulder Heave (1)
Bountiful Light (1)
Bountiful Sunlight (2)
Bursting Fireball (1)
Caressing Tears (1)
Carthus Beacon (2)
Carthus Flame Arc (1)
Cast Light (1)
Chameleon (1)
Chaos Bed Vestiges (2)
Chaos Storm (2)
Crystal Hail (1)
Crystal Magic Weapon (1)
Crystal Soul Spear (1)
Dark Blade (1)
Dark Edge (1)
Darkmoon Blade (1)
Dead Again (1)
Deep Protection (1)
Deep Soul (1)
Divine Pillars of Light (1)
Dorhy's Gnawing (1)
Emit Force (1)
Farron Dart (1)
Farron Flashsword (1)
Farron Hail (1)
Fire Orb (1)
Fire Surge (1)
Fire Whip (1)
Fireball (1)
Firestorm (1)
Flame Fan (1)
Flash Sweat (1)
Floating Chaos (1)
Force (1)
Frozen Weapon (1)
Gnaw (1)
Great Chaos Fire Orb (2)
Great Combustion (1)
Great Deep Soul (1)
Great Farron Dart (1)
Great Heal (1)
Great Heavy Soul Arrow (1)
Great Lightning Spear (1)
Great Magic Barrier (2)
Great Magic Shield (1)
Great Magic Weapon (1)
Great Soul Arrow (1)
Great Soul Dregs (1)
Heal (1)
Heal Aid (1)
Heavy Soul Arrow (1)
HIdden Body (1)
Hidden Weapon (1)
Homeward (1)
Homing Crystal Soulmass (1)
Homing Soulmass (1)
Iron Flesh (1)
Lifehunt Scythe (1)
Lightning Arrow (1)
Lightning Blade (1)
Lightning Spear (1)
Lightning Stake (1)
Lightning Storm (2)
Magic Barrier (1)
Magic Shield (1)
Magic Weapon (1)
Med Heal (1)
Old Moonlight (1)
Pestilent Mercury (1)
Poison Mist (1)
Power Within (1)
Profaned Flame (1)
Profuse Sweat (1)
Projected Heal (1)
Rapport (1)
Repair (1)
Replenishment (1)
Sacred Flame (1)
Sacred Oath (2)
Seek Guidance (1)
Seething Chaos (1)
Snap Freeze (1)
Soothing Sunlight (1)
Soul Arrow (1)
Soul Greatsword (1)
Soul Spear (1)
Soul Stream (2)
Spook (1)
Sunlight Spear (1)
Tears of Denial (2)
Toxic Mist (1)
Twisted Wall of Light (1)
Vow of Silence (2)
Warmth (2)
Way of White Corona (1)
White Dragon Breath (1)
Wrath of the Gods (2)
No Spell (0)
Notes from Author
For when you want to fist people as a morbidly obese man.